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      Integrating all aspects of cattle feeding

      This cattle feeding software integrates the most important operational activities in your feedyard. It includes functions for tracking animal health, herd management, feed deliveries, ingredient ratios and fed cattle amounts.
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      AMS offers you:


      Work online or offline

      AMS syncs when a connection is available


      Industry-leading Turnkey support

      Choose from remote, phone and email options


      Regular, easy-to-use updates

      Stay current with the functionality you need

      Software screen displaying cattle activity information

      Health Management System

      Track animal health histories, treatments, deads, railers and more. Software includes chute-side functionality that allows access to information on treatment history and criteria to dictate a treatment protocol. It also includes drug inventory tracking and detailed reporting tools.
      Software screen displaying cattle feed load information

      Truck System

      Truck drivers can request a load while the system records the loading of ingredients and fed amounts. Operators can also use the Truck System app to monitor transportation, delivery and consumption of feed. GPS capabilities are available.

      Feed Management System

      Feedyard managers can optimize truck loads by utilizing the load manager to maximize efficiency.  Historical feeding and health information is available, and the system’s mill and batcher interface helps optimize feeding requirements. Customizable screens make it easier to enter bunk information.

      Extend AMS functionality with our apps

      Pen Rider app

      Access cowboy yard sheet information including counts, health records and deads
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      Truck app

      Monitor transportation, delivery and consumption of feed
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      Movements app

      Track your herd’s shipping, receiving and location changes 
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      On-site and remote training available

      We provide regular opportunities for training on many of our AMS components. In-person training is available on site at your operation, or online from the comfort of your desk.  
      Get training and support